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11 March 2024
CORDLIFE PHILIPPINES' cutting-edge cord blood banking laboratory, where state-of-the-art technology and stringent quality control measures ensure the secure preservation of cord blood stem cells for future medical use.

The Power of Cord Blood Banking: What Every Expecting Mother Needs to Know

Bringing a new life into the world is a remarkable journey filled with joy, anticipation, and a plethora of decisions to make. One decision that is gaining prominence among pregnant mothers is the option of cord blood banking. Get to know why it's something every expecting mother should consider.

What is cord blood and what are cord blood stem cells?

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after a baby is born. It is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells or HSCs, which have the ability to differentiate into different types of cells in the body such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These cells are the building blocks of life and are crucial for the development and repair of tissues and organs.

HSCs have unique properties that make them useful for medical treatments. They can be used to treat critical illnesses, including certain cancers like leukemia, blood disorders such as thalassemia and anemia, and metabolic disorders. The ability of these cells to regenerate and differentiate makes them a powerful tool in stem cell therapy.

What is the process of cord blood banking with Cordlife Ph?

Cordlife Philippines offers cord blood banking – the process of collecting, processing, and storing of stem cells from a baby’s umbilical cord upon birth.

It is safe and painless both for the mother or the baby. Once collected, the cord blood is processed and cryopreserved at Cordlife Philippine’s local facility in UP AyalaLand Technohub in order to maintain its potency for potential future use and protection of the whole family.

Cord blood banking as a health protection for the whole family

One of the most significant advantages of cord blood banking is that the banked stem cells are a perfect match for the baby or the owner of the stem cells and may also be a match for siblings and parents. This means that in case of a medical need, the family has a readily available source of compatible stem cells, getting rid of the challenges that come with finding a suitable match from public banks.

While no one wants to think about potential health issues, having access to banked stem cells can provide peace of mind, knowing that you've taken a proactive step towards ensuring your child's well-being even before they are born.

What other benefits come with cord blood banking with Cordlife Philippines?

Apart from the storage of stem cells, Cordlife PH offers a wide range of complimentary value-added services, including its pregnancy insurance, Cordlife Shield. This insurance covers the mother as early as 18 weeks of pregnancy against some of the most common pregnancy complications, like eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, and the baby from congenital illnesses from birth until the 6th month of age.

Cord blood banking with Cordlife Philippines also entitles you to a free membership in Cordlife ALLIANCE, the first-ever community cord blood banking program in the Philippines.

If a family's cord blood isn't suitable in case of a medical need, the family can access a diverse pool of banked cord blood units from other Asian countries where Cordlife operates to search for an alternative match.

Other free benefits of cord blood banking with Cordlife PH include Cordlife Baby Genetic Screening, Transplant Care, Cordblood Network, and more.

As you embark on this incredible journey of motherhood, consider the power of cord blood banking as a gift to your child's and family’s future. The decision to bank cord blood is a proactive step that may offer life-saving benefits and peace of mind. Ask your OB-GYN about cord blood banking today or learn more by claiming a free and non-obligatory consultation with our consultants.